Our next PhyloPizza event will take place on Tuesday, October 13, at 5:30pm in the Executive Conference Room of NMNH (ECR). James Mallet of Harvard University will give a talk entitled “Gene flow between Heliconius species: how butterflies mess with our concepts of species and phylogenyā€¯. Join us! Flier for this event here.
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Photos from the Frontiers Symposium
Check out our ‘Photos’ section for some pics from the recent Frontiers in Phylogenetics Symposium!
Frontiers in Phylogenetics Fall Symposium
We in the Braun Lab are very excited about this year’s Frontiers in Phylogenetics Symposium! Please join us for an excellent line-up of talks at the National Museum of Natural History on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. Schedule is outlined below, and downloadable as PDF here.
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-9:50 Anna Savage (University of Central Florida): Functional
immunogenomics of tolerance in an amphibian-fungus host pathogen system
9:50-10:25 Marin Talbot Brewer (University of Georgia): Phylogenetic
and population genomic approaches for investigating plant-parasite
10:25-10:40 Break
10:40-11:15 Holly Bik (University of Birmingham): Phylogeny-driven
environmental sequencing approaches for microbial eukaryotes
11:15-11:50 Maria Hoffmann (FDA): Tracing Origins of Salmonella Strains
Causing a Food-borne Outbreak
11:50-12:25 Spencer Nyholm (University of Connecticut): Using “omics”
to understand interactions with beneficial bacteria in the model squid
host Euprymna scolopes
12:25-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-2:35 Dan Janies (University of North Carolina Charlotte): Genes,
evolution, and geography of pathogens
2:35-3:10 Corrie Moreau (The Field Museum): From genomes to
microbiomes: The role of symbiosis in ants
3:10-3:45 C. Miguel Pinto (National Museum of Natural History):
Tracking the origins of infectious diseases using museum collections
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-4:35 Pamela Weisenhorn (Argonne National Lab): Evolutionary
patterns in microbial energy metabolism
4:35-5:10 Mike Sorenson (Boston University): Contrasting Patterns of
Genetic Divergence in Obligate Brood Parasites: Implications for the
Genetics of Host-Specific Adaptation