We in the Braun Lab are very excited about this year’s Frontiers in Phylogenetics Symposium! Please join us for an excellent line-up of talks at the National Museum of Natural History on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. Schedule is outlined below, and downloadable as PDF here.
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-9:50 Anna Savage (University of Central Florida): Functional
immunogenomics of tolerance in an amphibian-fungus host pathogen system
9:50-10:25 Marin Talbot Brewer (University of Georgia): Phylogenetic
and population genomic approaches for investigating plant-parasite
10:25-10:40 Break
10:40-11:15 Holly Bik (University of Birmingham): Phylogeny-driven
environmental sequencing approaches for microbial eukaryotes
11:15-11:50 Maria Hoffmann (FDA): Tracing Origins of Salmonella Strains
Causing a Food-borne Outbreak
11:50-12:25 Spencer Nyholm (University of Connecticut): Using “omics”
to understand interactions with beneficial bacteria in the model squid
host Euprymna scolopes
12:25-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-2:35 Dan Janies (University of North Carolina Charlotte): Genes,
evolution, and geography of pathogens
2:35-3:10 Corrie Moreau (The Field Museum): From genomes to
microbiomes: The role of symbiosis in ants
3:10-3:45 C. Miguel Pinto (National Museum of Natural History):
Tracking the origins of infectious diseases using museum collections
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-4:35 Pamela Weisenhorn (Argonne National Lab): Evolutionary
patterns in microbial energy metabolism
4:35-5:10 Mike Sorenson (Boston University): Contrasting Patterns of
Genetic Divergence in Obligate Brood Parasites: Implications for the
Genetics of Host-Specific Adaptation