Our April PhyloPizza event will take place on Tuesday, April 11, at 5:30pm in the Vertebrate Zoology Seminar Room (WG-33). Dr. Arlin Stoltzfus will give a talk entitled “The Phylotastic! Project: Fast and convenient access to the Tree of Life.” Join us!
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Braun lab makes the cover of JEB!
Congratulations to Braun Lab alum Dr. Sarah Kingston! Recent publication of her dissertation work earned the cover of the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. You can find the paper here.

The image is a photograph of a collared towhee, Pipilo ocai, on Nevado de Colima, Jalisco, Mexico.
This population of birds is part of a hybrid complex stretching across Mexico. (Photo credit: Sarah E. Kingston)
New publication from Noor
Congrats to Braun lab PhD candidate Noor White on the publication of “Ultraconserved Elements Resolve the Phylogeny of Potoos (Aves: Nyctibiidae),” in Journal of Avian Biology. Paper available here.
Noor White wins NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
We are excited to announce that PhD candidate Noor White has received a three year postdoctoral fellowship award from the National Science Foundation for her project entitled “Visual Adaptation to Nocturnality in Birds.” Congratulations, Noor!
New Ornithología Neotropical publication!
Check out a recently published article from the Braun Lab led by PhD candidate Noor White, “A Multi-Gene Estimate of Higher-Level Phylogenetic Relationships among Nightjars (Aves: Caprimulgidae).” The paper was published in Ornithología Neotropical and is available here. Congrats, Noor!