4th Annual Frontiers in Phylogenetics Symposium

The Washington Area Phylogenetics Consortium is pleased to announce the fourth annual Frontiers in Phylogenetics Symposium!


Location: Warner Brothers Theatre, National Museum of American History, Washington, DC
Time and Date:  8 AM to 5 PM, Monday September 15, 2014


Michael Braun, National Museum of Natural History

John Kress, Interim Undersecretary for Science, Smithsonian Institution

Guillermo Orti, George Washington University

Bastien Boussau, Laboratory of Biometry and Evolutionary Biology, University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France

Ingo Ebersberger, Department for Applied Bioinformatics, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

Lacey Knowles, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Kevin Kocot, School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Luay Nakhleh, Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA

David Swofford, Department of Biology, Duke University, and National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Durham, NC, USA

Derrick Zwickl, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Latest Braun Lab Pub!

The latest publication out of the Braun Lab was recently accepted in Behavioral Ecology. “Tests of the kin selection model of mate choice and inbreeding avoidance in satin bowerbirds,” by Sheila M. Reynolds, J. Albert C. Uy, Gail L. Patricelli, Seth W. Coleman, Michael J. Braun, and Gerald Borgia. See publication page for full citation.

June PhyloPizza

Our next PhyloPizza event will take place Tuesday, June 10, at 5:30 in the National Museum of Natural History’s Executive Conference Room. Cara Santelli will give a talk entitled “Microbes to the rescue: using metagenomics and culture-based approaches to understand the role of microbes in remediating polluted environments.” Join us! Keep up to date with future events here.


May PhyloPizza

Our next PhyloPizza event will take place Tuesday, May 13, at 5:30 in the National Museum of Natural History’s Vertebrate Zoology seminar room (WG-33). Brain O’Meara will give a talk entitled “Dealing with the heterogeneity of life for comparative methods.” Join us! Keep up to date with future events here. Flier for this event here.


April PhyloPizza

Our next PhyloPizza event will take place Tuesday, April 8, at 5:30 in the National Museum of Natural History’s Executive Conference Room (ECR). Tracy Heath will give a talk entitled “The Fossilized Birth-Death Process: A Coherent Model of Fossil Calibration for Divergence Time Estimation.” Join us! Keep up to date with future events here. Flier for this event here.


Welcome HC!

The Braun Lab welcomes postdoc Haw Chuan (HC) Lim to the website! HC joined the Braun lab in September of 2013, and comes to us from the Sheldon lab at Louisiana State University. Check out the People page to learn more about HC’s research interests.


March PhyloPizza

Our next PhyloPizza event will take place Tuesday, March 11, at 5:30 at the University of Maryland’s campus in College Park, MD, in the Bioscience Research Building, room 1103. Kevin Omland will give a talk entitled “Using species trees to reconstruct character evolution: repeated loss of female song and elaborate coloration across orioles, blackbirds and al songbirds.” Join us! Keep up to date with future events here. Flier for this event here.


February PhyloPizza

Our next PhyloPizza event will take place Tuesday, February 11, at 5:30 in the National Museum of Natural History’s Vertebrate Zoology Seminar Room (WG-33). Max Alekseyev will give a talk entitled “Mammalian Phylogenomics: A Genome Rearrangements Perspective.” Join us! Keep up to date with future events here. Flier for this event here.
